Solar Energy Incentives in Texas

Solar Energy Incentives in Texas

Posted on Aug 24, 2017


Many things can be said for the great state of Texas. It was its own country for a decade before it joined the union by treaty in 1845. The word “Texas” was the Spanish pronunciation “Tejas” of the Hasinai Native American word meaning “allies” or “friends.” (In fact, the Texas state motto is “friendship.”) Texas is the second most populous state and one of the nation’s largest measuring in at approximately at 268,601 square miles. Texas still owns all of its public lands. If the federal government wants to create a park or cut a stand of timber, it must first ask the state’s permission. Texas has also been synonymous with abundant energy production in oil for over a century, and more recently in wind. Knowing this, it stands as no surprise that the "Lone Star" State is now considered prime real estate for...

International Trade Dispute Could Cast Shade on Solar Industry

International Trade Dispute Could Cast Shade on Solar Industry

Posted on Aug 16, 2017

The co-complainants are claiming that foreign panel manufacturers have been dumping their products - selling goods at or below cost in order to drive out the competition in an effort to gain market share - into the U.S.

If the ITC decides that dumping has occurred, it will recommend to the President to impose a tariff on solar panels. This could have major ramifications throughout the solar industry. Some companies are, understandably, petitioning against the ITC to impose a tariff. These companies rely on cheap, imported materials for their solar installations and could be significantly hurt by an increase in panel prices.

One company, however, stands apart in this dispute - Green Solar Technologies. This company is testifying on behalf of SolarWorld in front of the ITC.

Edward Harner, COO of Green Solar Technologies , states "We feel that American...

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7 U.S. Based Companies Committed to Going Green

Posted on Aug 7, 2017

Going green means saving green. Listed here are seven major companies who know this quite well. Not only are they saving money by investing in solar energy and other alternative green renewable energy alternatives, but they are also taking this green effort to the next level by setting a standard in their respective industry.

1. General Motors

GM plans to meet the energy requirements of 350 operations in 59 countries with renewable energy by 2050. They also plan to introduce more electric vehicles with responsible manufacturing. GM is among a handful of vehicle manufacturers in the US to go the green route.

“We understand that the world is changing and we are making bold moves to meet customer needs, conserve the resources our business relies on, and decarbonize the automotive...

Man cleaning Solar Panel Solar Panel Maintenance Blog Image

Solar Panel Maintenance

Posted on Aug 1, 2017

As the days of depending on fossil fuels to run our buildings and appliances meet their evolutionary demise and the natural transition into more abundant renewable forms of energy becomes increasingly more common, many home and business owners are opting to Go Solar . Solar power is an excellent means of reducing your carbon footprint, saving money on electricity bills, and becoming energy independent, but like all things does require some regular maintenance. In this blog, I will outline some useful tips for those who choose solar to help maintain their system and get the most benefit and value over the long-term. It is important to note that your solar panels can lose upwards of 30% of their energy production if they are covered in traffic dust, construction debris, leaves, pollen, animal waste, or even sea salt (for those homes by the ocean...

older couple considering home solar with green solar technologies

Solar A Smart Investment For Retirement

Posted on Jul 12, 2017

Homeowners have many options when looking to secure a financial future for retirement, but many do not realize that installing solar for your home can be one of the smartest retirement options available.

Solar power reduces the cost of electricity to almost nothing and can free up thousands of dollars every year. Nationwide companies like Green Solar Technologies offer $0 down low-interest solar loans so homeowners can take advantage this investment strategy without a large cash down payment.

To ensure financial stability, homeowners planning for their retirement generally invest in lower-risk options. The unfortunate fact that many have discovered is that the markets can be unpredictable. Baby boomers have lived through several recessions, most notably in 2008, with more than a few of them losing their savings and pensions....

Home Summer Solar Sale Green Solar Technologies

3 Reasons This Summer is the Year to Go Solar

Posted on Jul 11, 2017

For those who have wanted to go solar for years but have held back for one reason or another, we have compiled a short but comprehensive list of why Summer 2017 is your year to “ Go Solar .”

Solar Incentives

If you were interested enough to click through to this blog, chances are you already know what a solar incentive is, but what you might not know is that these incentives—which are provided by the US Government, the state, and utility companies—are running out due to limited funding and time deadlines. Essentially, you better find out if you are entitled to any incentives or work with a solar company to see what you might qualify for !

Although every incentive offer...

Solar Installer SolarWorld Green Solar Technologies

SolarWorld Resilient Despite Challenges

Posted on Jul 5, 2017

As renewable energy is becoming more of a common-day commodity for home and business owners, the marketplace is opening up far and wide to quelch the demand for solar power. Dozens of companies are jumping on the bandwagon to be the provider of solar, creating stiff price competition to reach the most customers. In lieu of this race to take business, an increasing number of solar panels from countries like China are being sold and shipped to the USA at record low prices. These panels are so cheap that they are driving some American companies into insolvency competing against China’s enormous workforce, lax workplace laws, and low wages. This brings two issues to the forefront of American concerns.

How is the American economy affected as a whole by outsourcing its renewable energy systems? What are the...