Solar vs Utility

Summer is notoriously the season for family picnics, BBQs, going to the beach, and all around fun in the sun. It’s known across the U.S. as the time for county fairs, street festivals, vacations, and pool parties. But sometimes, it just gets too hot to enjoy the outdoors. Air conditioning is vitally necessary which isn’t always cheap if you own a medium to large home and have it turned on high all day. Utility company dependency, coupled with powering indoor summer activities, can potentially boost your monthly electricity cost way up. This begs the question, are we being smart about our electricity costs? Is there a way we can lower our electricity bill without having to change our lifestyle?

Traditional methods like getting all of your electricity from the utility company have for generations been the only way to keep those lights on and that air conditioner running. But over the past several years, solar technology has gotten much cheaper, affording homeowners the opportunity to live their lives without the inconvenience of minimizing electricity usages or facing constantly escalating prices.

The contest therefore is Solar vs. the Utility Company, and the results are in. In this video, Mark Willard, a homeowner and renowned sportscaster, delves into the financial and environmental benefit of choosing solar energy over your utility company. Green Solar Technologies is happy to let Mark speak about his discovery of solar energy.

If you’d like to a free energy evaluation and solar consultation, start up a chat here or visit our Quote page. We will have all of your questions answered and provide you the best solar panel system design to meet all of your electricity requirements year ‘round.

by Ged Friedman

Aug 6, 2018 By Jorge