Green Solar Ambassador

North Hollywood, CA — Los Angeles-based national solar installation company Green Solar Technologies has introduced its new partnering program earlier this month aptly referred to as the “Green Solar Ambassador Program.”

The partnering program was conceptualized as an outgrowth of the company’s multiple California offices responsible for marketing, sales, financing, and project management.

The objective of the Green Solar Ambassador program is to provide social media influencers, colleagues, and freelancers the opportunity to join the growing renewable energy movement by contributing qualified referrals for solar panel installations. Green Solar Technologies has offered to pay $1,000 for each referral that “goes green” by installing solar with them.

Ambassadors will have the freedom to work from home or remotely and are provided the benefit of the company’s vast infrastructure and industry-leading data tracking systems to build a lucrative career of unlimited income potential on their own terms. It is considered an innovative way to build a social network in the renewable energy sector or to utilize an existing one with the goal of transforming the way America produces its energy.

Green Solar Ambassador

Jorge Ricalday, Marketing Director of Green Solar Technologies, weighed in on the prospects of the Green Solar Ambassador Program:

“The Green Solar Ambassador program is an extension of our mission and values as a brand. It allows people the opportunity to spread the benefits of solar. We are pleased to be re-launching this program, utilizing state of the art proprietary software and an entirely redesigned user interface. With this new system in effect, you can utilize your network and share valuable information through all media channels, easily tracking your progress and creating an unlimited stream of wealth in the process.”

Green Solar Technologies is optimistic about the potential of the Green Solar Ambassador Program to grow the solar energy market and lead America onto a path that is cleaner and more sustainable well into the future.

To learn more about becoming a Green Solar Ambassador and joining the renewable energy movement, visit

by Ged Friedman

Jul 10, 2018 By Jorge