Let us help you save both energy and money

With the majority of Americans now working, studying, or spending extra time at home, electric bills are bound to go up. Whether you already have switched to solar or not, everyone at home can do more to conserve energy for the sake of the environment and your wallets. Many times, small and simple actions can make a difference in terms of energy consumption.

We would like to help you understand the many ways that can increase energy savings.  Studies have shown that it takes approximately 2 months to create a habit. The items listed below can become habits or new home dynamics. Keep in mind that Green Solar Technologies is here to help you journey through a more sustainable home.


All of these tips are useful when it comes to saving energy while you’re couped up at home. The most impactful, however, is to switch to solar. It makes just as much economic sense as it does in an environmental sense. There is no need to continue paying higher prices for fossil-fuel energy when you can save big by using clean renewable energy.

In these uncertain times, we need to find a way to not be powerless. Renewable energy is the first step, but it can also be extremely beneficial to invest in backup energy storage. A backup battery allows you to store the energy that your solar panels generate so that you can save it for later. There is no better way to prepare for a power emergency than by having battery backup.

With all of these ways to save energy, you’re bound to save money as well. Every one of our tips can be done at home--including going solar! The Green Solar Technologies solar process is completely online and over the phone, so you can have peace of mind while you make the switch.

For those of you who want to learn more about solar and energy efficiency, receive a virtual customizable quote from an energy expert by clicking this link.

Apr 14, 2020 By Emily Jackowitz