Chalkboard with Solar 101 written on it


In the last Blog, we discussed what solar power is, how it works, how a Solar Power Generation System (SPGS) is priced, the environmental impact of solar, and even the health benefits that result from every home or business that makes the transition to solar energy. In this Blog, we will divulge further into the concerns many have as they come closer to making that decision to GO SOLAR and stop paying their utility bills forever.


No problem! Your SPGS can be transferred to the new homeowners once the home sale is final. The person or family who buys your home or business is responsible for making the monthly payments as stipulated in your agreement with Green Solar Technologies (GST), which should be no problem since it’s likely to be far less than any electricity bill they would normally pay to a power company. GST is happy to assist with the simple process of transferring the contract to your home’s new owners and answering any questions either party may have. Another fact to remember is that a solar power generation systems can add easily $15,000 of value to the home or business. This should be considered in the property transfer process.


Green Solar Technologies aims to bring only the highest quality solar panels at a competitive price. The solar panels of our primary product vendor Mission Solar Energy are designed and manufactured to the highest standards of quality, performance, and durability in history. The grid-tied and off-grid products from Mission Solar come in a variety of sizes and power, making them suitable for all applications—from a remote power generator to a large-scale power plant. And these solar panels can withstand virtually any imaginable weather conditions and are tested thoroughly to remain as tough as anything they come in contact with it, including giant hail stones being pelted straight into them at over 250 MPH.


Due to a lot of misinformation and scare tactics floating about, many people are under the false assumption that the turnaround time to see a net profit on your solar panels could be as high as 20 or 30 years. This is simply not the case at all. In fact, one of the greatest selling points (literally!) of going solar is that you begin to save, often times during your first year or two into your investment. You see, the idea is to devise a system that matches your energy needs year-round without increasing your monthly expenses. If your system is thoroughly covering your Daily Energy Demand (DED), what happens is the power companies stop charging you because you are completely energy independent. When you go solar with us, you will be locked into a convenient fixed rate for about 10–12 years only paying off the balance of your system (which is likely to be less than your monthly electricity bills are now). This means you stop paying your electricity bills almost immediately. Then when your system is officially paid off as specified in your agreement with GST, you essentially will be living off your own self-produced energy. No more payments on your system and no more electricity bills either! This is what is meant by energy independence.


Green Solar Technologies is partnered with a network of leading finance companies to bring you the most affordable options possible for owning solar energy equipment. We offer $0 down and comfortable monthly payments for just about any budget. Select a 10, 12, or 20-year financing term. A cash option is also available. Contact Green Solar Technologies today to learn more about the many financing options we offer.


Solar energy is as old as the Sun, but the technology to harness its use to power our homes and businesses is something that has only begun to really pick up traction with society over the past decade or so. It’s gaining steam exponentially every year. Now there are approximately 1.5 million solar installations in the U.S. with common projections to reach 2 million by 2018 and 4 million by 2022. As more people choose to go green, even more people will be convinced by their example and testimony that making the switch is the only logical choice to save a fortune, improve the value of your home, become energy independent, benefit the environment, and even live longer. So if you’re looking for a Free Estimate from a Top Solar Installer on a system that would meet your needs, we recommend you click here and never pay an electricity bill again.

See SOLAR POWER 101: PART 1” if you didn’t catch it for more important info about solar power!

by Ged Friedman

Jun 21, 2017 By admin